01903 477900



While you’re open for business you need to be sure that those people and organisations whose services and goods support your business will be able to continue doing so.

IT and software support, telephone systems, inventories and client accounting are just a few of the services used by letting agents. Most of these and your other services/goods suppliers will have at least thought about how they can continue ‘delivering’ to you if they themselves, their employees or their company in general falls foul of Coronavirus.

Question: Have the people and companies who support your agency told you what they intend to do if Coronavirus ‘hits’ their business? No, then contact them and ask. If they haven’t got the resources or a plan in place to ensure continuity of service have a look around for other providers.

Below are the basic questions you need to be asking…………

Infected Employees

Q. The Government are currently predicting, 1 in 5 people (20%) could be infected and off work at any one time what plans do you have in place to ensure that you will still be able to supply goods/services to us?

Opening Hours

Q. Have you reduced or intend to reduce your ‘normal’ working days/hours?

Q. If yes what are your new opening times/days?

Business Premises Closure

Q. If you normally conduct your business from commercial premises is it your intention to continue doing so until the Government directs otherwise?

Q. If your offices have to close will we still be able to contact you by email and telephone?

Employees Working From Home – Data Protection & Security

Q. Where any employee is working from home and will be using their own personal laptop or pc have you made arrangements with your IT support company for those devices to be checked to ensure adequate and current anti virus software is installed?

Q. Will your IT support provider be installing anti malware software on laptops and pcs’ that have remote access to your office server?

Q. Is the VPN software installed for remote access to our company’s data base secure?

Deliveries Q. If our offices are closed can you deliver to an alternative address?

Q. How much notice do we need to give you re any change of delivery address?

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